About The Microsoft Help Compiler ================================= Unfortunately I am not allowed to supply the Help Compiler with EasyHelp since it belongs to Microsoft! Until I have enough registrations/users to buy a license to distribute with EasyHelp you have to source this yourself. The Help Compiler is normally included with development tools such as Turbo C++, Visual Basic etc. But the version that currently comes with these products does NOT work with Word 6. If you have HC.EXE or HC31.EXE you will need to get an upgrade. The Correct version that works with Word 6 is called HCP.EXE version 3.10.505. This is the extended version of the Compiler. There are a number of ways you can UPGRADE to the latest version of the Help Compiler: 1. From the Microsoft upgrade centre. (UK 0181 614 8000) 2. From the Microsoft bulletin board. UK 01734-270060 - (9600) UK 01734-270065 - (2400) 3. From Microsoft's ftp site. Site Name: ftp.microsoft.com Directory: softlib/mslfiles 4. From CompuServe. (WINSDK forum LIB 16 or WINHELP) The file should be called hc505.exe or hc505.zip. Unzip, and then just copy the files (hcp.exe and hcp.err) to the easyhelp\hc directory and the build process should work.